This study investigated the Perception of Patients on Quality Service Delivery: Role of Health Information Professionals in University of Abuja Teaching Hospitals, Abuja, Nigeria. Survey research design was used for the study. The population comprised 81,361 patients and 251 health information professionals in the four university teaching hospitals in North-central, Nigeria. The sample size of 399 patients and 154 health information professionals were determined using Taro Yamane’s formula. The study used convenience sampling method to select respondents. Structured and validated questionnaires were used to collect data. A return rate of 88% was achieved respectively for the patients. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings showed that patients generally agreed that there was quality service delivery of health information professionals in university teaching hospitals in Abuja, Nigeria (x̅=3.16). This analysis shows that the perception of patients towards quality service delivery of health information professionals in the study area was strongest in respect of assurance (x̅=3.25), followed by tangibility (x̅=3.20), responsiveness (x̅=3.17), reliability (x̅=3.13). The study concluded that perception of quality service delivery of health information professionals in Abuja, was high. The study recommended that the hospital management should provide spacious libraries to accommodate patients’ folders and review the motivational factors in favor of health information professionals.
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