The study examined the effective implementations of Biology curriculum in some secondary schools in Anambra State. Descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study. The population of the study consisted of 3,115 SS2 biology students in public secondary school in Aguata Education zone. Simple random sampling was used to draw 200 SS2 biology students from the three local government areas that make up the education zone which include Aguata L. G.A, Orumba North and South L. G. A. Instruments for collection of data were questionnaire, achievement scores in biology, observation and interview. The statistical tools used in analyzing the data were frequency table and simple percentages. Findings therefore revealed that, the biology curriculum is not being effectively implemented in most schools by biology teachers. It was also found that instructional materials are lacking in teaching biology by the teachers. It was recommended among others that the government should employ more qualified teachers, laboratory assistants, cleaners with the adequate knowledge to handle both the theoretical and practical aspects of biology in an orderly manner to bring about effective implementation of the biology curriculum.
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