Valiya Nyachesa Gado


The patriarchal nature of the Nigerian Society, enthrones the male over the female gendre. This trend has led to the general belief system that the place of women is in the “Kitchen” or “The other room”. Due to the aforementioned belief in Nigeria, it has brought about increasing number of domestic violence cases, perpetrated against the male folk in Nigeria. Some go silent and unheard of; in order to safe guard the image and reputation of the man, while some obvious and persistent cases are reported to law enforcement agencies, others get to the media. Between 2020 and the first quarter of 2021, the Lagos State Government recorded eighty-nine (89) domestic violence cases against men who were battered by their wives. Also, the outcome of a research by a non-governmental Organization (NGO), the Purple Lifeline Connection revealed that over 25 percent of men suffer abuse in the hands of their partners in Nigeria. These are a few cases amongst many, leading to the death of some Men. Contrary to popular belief, domestic violence against men is not real. This study seeks to Assess Media Coverage of Culture and Domestic Violence against Men. The objectives seek to i. Investigate how the culture of patriarchy, promote domestic violence against Men. ii. Examine the level of media coverage of domestic violence against Men by the Nigerian Media. This study deployed Survey Research Method with Questionnaire as the tool for data collection. A total of 100 copies of questionnaires were administered. Data generated were presented in percentages tables and descriptive statistics. Agenda-setting theory was used. The findings revealed that the culture of patriarchy leads to silence and disbelief which further promotes domestic violence and intimate partner violence against men, by women. Also, the Nigeria media does not place much coverage value on domestic violence against men compared to the much coverage given to incidences of domestic violence against women. The study recommends that the media should give equal attention to violence against men as it is given to violence against women.


Culture, Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Media Coverage, Patriarchy

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