Chioma A. Onwuasigwe, Edmund A. Egboh, Uzodinma C. Okafor


This study examined the impact of Employee Training and the provision of Quality Service in the Civil Service of Anambra State – Nigeria 2015-2022. The essence is to appreciate the role of training which is targeted at improving the quality of knowledge and service delivery. To achieve the above, the study explored the objective in line with the hypothesis drawn from the study. The study adopted the expectancy theory as the theoretical framework. The total population of civil servants in Anambra state was 34,045 and sample size deduced was 395 using Taro Yamane and 353 were the actual number used for the analysis. The study adopted descriptive survey design and data were collected with the use of questionnaire and analysed using quantitative (correlation using SPSS) method. From the analysis of the study, it revealed that a. due to poor or no specialized training over the years, there is a relationship between staff training and service quality. The study thus recommends that the government of Anambra state should as a matter of priority re-introduce staff training both before the assumption of duty and on-and-off-the job training to enable the employees put in their competent best;


Civil Service, Employee, Employee training, Quality Service and Training

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