Eno Etudoh Eyo (PhD), Juliana Francis Udoudoh, Mary Emaekop Obot


Planning girl-child education in African states is a critical step towards achieving gender equality and promoting inclusive societies. Despite the progress made in the expantion of access to education, girls in many African countries still face significant barriers that hinder their educational opportunities. This article highlights the importance of embracing global best practices in planning girl-child education. By drawing inspiration from successful models worldwide, African states can develop comprehensive strategies that empower girls, create safe and inclusive learning environments, engage parents and communities, provide comprehensive life skills education, and foster collaboration and partnerships. Through equality and inclusivity, safe learning environments, teacher training, parent and community engagement, and comprehensive life skills education, African states can ensure that girls have equal access to quality education. Embracing global best practices will unlock the potential of girl-child education, enabling girls to become agents of positive change and contribute to sustainable development and inclusive societies in African states.


African state, Gender equality, Education, Global best practice

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