Divine Uchechukwu Ejiofor, Elizabeth Uzochukwu Chinwe (PhD)


This research explored the awareness of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) among adolescent girls in secondary schools in Anambra State, Nigeria, utilizing Facebook as an educational tool. A survey was administered to 384 girls aged 10-20, attending secondary schools in Anambra State. The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive design to assess PCOS awareness. Anambra State was selected purposively due to its high concentration of secondary schools, facilitating access to the target population. The research employed a multi-stage probability sampling method and chose 6 state schools from 3 education zones. Only 25% of the participants had prior knowledge of PCOS, primarily acquired from teachers. Although over 60% had Facebook accounts, less than 20% accessed PCOS information there, and merely 17.7% engaged with related online content. The findings highlight a lack of baseline awareness and missed opportunities for utilizing social media for educational purposes. To enhance literacy and encourage seeking care, multifaceted strategies involving schools, communities, online platforms, and policies should be implemented. Despite limitations such as sample size and geographic focus, these results provide valuable insights into an underexplored demographic issue, underscoring the necessity for tailored interventions that promote adolescent reproductive health.


Awareness, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Facebook, Adolescent, Secondary school girls,

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