This study explored the challenges and perceptions of South-East broadcasters on their adoption of new media technologies, the challenges revolving around new media technology cannot be over-emphasized as they continue to evolve daily. The study on the challenges and perceptions of South-East broadcasters on their adoption of new media technologies tried to explore first-hand information from the users of new media technology in broadcasting. The study employed the qualitative research design which is a Key Informant Interview (KII) and a population of fifteen (15) private, state, and federal government radio and television stations across three states in South-East Nigeria which include Anambra, Enugu, and Imo. The study adopted the multi-stage probability sampling technique which commenced from the selection of three states out of the five states in South-East; quota sampling of the federal, state, and private broadcast stations, the study purposively selected a sample size of only fifteen (15) interviewees who are in the managerial cadres in the selected broadcast media. The selection was evenly distributed among the fifteen broadcast stations under study, such that one head of department/manager who is very experienced in broadcasting was sampled. The study found that most public broadcast stations in South-East Nigeria lack adequate training and state-of-the-art technology. The finding of this study which have more effect on the federal broadcast stations, support the need to improve on the extent of use and exposure to new media by broadcasters. However, the findings support the technological determinism theory argument which states that technology is the principal initiator of the society's transformation. This simply means that broadcast stations need to be fully equipped to enable the broadcasters to adopt the application of these technologies in broadcasting. The study recommends that the owners of broadcast stations especially public stations should provide the necessary requirements that will enhance capacity building in the broadcast media industry.
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