Daniel Onyekwere Ogbonnaya, Allen Adum (PhD), Chioma Agbasimelo (PhD)


Billboards are large outdoor signs, generally used for advertising along highways that aims to grab attention and communicate messages effectively. The principles of emphasis like color, image, font, contrast, repetition, space, and hierarchy amongst others serve as visual guides in graphic design. This thesis investigated the attention-grabbing likelihood of the principle of emphasis in billboard graphics along Enugu/Onitsha express in Awka urban. The theoretical framework is anchored in two prominent theories; the attention schema theory and gestalt theory. These two theories provide a robust theoretical foundation for exploring consciousness, subjective awareness, and the intricate play between attention and perception. The study adopted a mixed method approach comprising Key Informant Interviews (KII) and survey. The KII involved 15 staff members of Nnamdi Azikiwe University who are knowledgeable in graphic design. The survey aspect of the study involved distribution of a structured questionnaire to 381 respondents selected from the staff of the university. While principles of emphasis were unfamiliar, participants identified color and image as recognizable attention-drawing elements. Meanwhile, factors like vehicle speed and distance disrupted observation. Initial attention did not guarantee recall of specifics thus indicating limitations. The findings provide evidence that the principles of emphasis facilitate attention towards billboards, but integrating enhancements may further aid memorability and engagement.


Billboards, Graphics, Principle of emphasis, Attention-grabbing, Likelihood, Design

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