Biodun A. Binuyo, Abigail Azorondu (PhD), Eyiyemi Betty Adeyeye, Ocheze Happiness Adesanya


Abstract: This study investigates the prevalence and influence of ongoing domestic violence on the socio-economic sustainability of families in Shagamu, Ogun State. With three primary research objectives, the research examines the effects of physical, psychological, and social violence on family stability. Utilizing a survey research design and quantitative data collection methods, 60 questionnaires were administered to families in Shagamu, Ogun State. Results indicate a significant impact of physical violence (B = .795, t=9.990, P < 0.05), psychological violence (B = .733, t=8.205, P < 0.05), and social violence (B = .821, t=10.935, P < 0.05) on the socio-economic sustainability of families. The findings underpin the profound consequences of domestic violence, including economic instability and social disruption. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive interventions targeting the root causes of violence, economic support for affected families, and increased access to education and resources. This study contributes to understanding the complex dynamics of domestic violence and highlights the importance of promoting sustainable socio-economic development by addressing violence within families and communities.


Domestic Violence, Socio-Economic Sustainability, Family Dynamics, Intimate Partner Violence, Gender-Based Violence, Shagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria.

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