Amaka Lorreta Oduche


The study examined self-esteem and locus of control as predictors of marital satisfaction among women in middle adulthood. The major objective of the study was to investigate whether self esteem and locus of control will significantly predict marital satisfaction among women in middle adulthood. Participants were two hundred and forty (240) women in middle adulthood. Their ages ranged between 40 to 60 years, with a mean age of 47.33 and Standard Deviation of 6.47. According to Hurlocks, (1968) three instruments were used or data collection. Hudson (1982) Index of Marital Satisfaction Scale, Rosenbrg (1968) Self-Esteem Scale and Craig, Franklin and Andrew (1984) Locus of Control Behaviour Scale. Hierarchical Multiple Regression was the primary technique used for data analysis, and cross sectional design was adopted. Results of the regression analysis showed that self- esteem significantly predicted marital satisfaction among women in middle adulthood (3 = .21, t = 2.73, p< 01). Locus of control (P=.18, t=2.47, p< 01) significantly predicted marital satisfaction among women in middle adulthood. Internal locus of control (P=.13, t=.63, p< 05) significantly predicted marital satisfaction among women in middle adulthood, but external locus of control (P = .33, t = 1.56) did not significantly predict marital satisfaction among women in middle adulthood. The findings also indicated that increase in self esteem also significantly predicted marital satisfaction among women in middle adulthood (P=.21,+=2.73,p<01). The implications of the finding are that a woman in middle in adulthood with capacity for acceptance, tolerance, self-respect and personal satisfaction with regard to herself will achieve her marital satisfaction goals; internal locus of control is a psychological asset needed to improve marriages, and that enables women in middle adulthood to secure their marriages.

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