Nwovuhoma Ihua-Jonathan, PhD, Cordelia Dike, PhD


The study investigated work-life balance and motivation: key drivers of productivity for Business Studies teachers in junior secondary schools in Rivers East Senatorial District, Nigeria. The population of the studies consists of 539 Business Studies teachers drawn across Junior Secondary Schools in Rivers State East senatorial zone. The sample consists of the entire population of 539 respondents using a census of the entire population. Two research questions were posed and two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The instrument used for data collection was a self-structured questionnaire titled” Work-Life Balance and Motivation: Key Drivers of Productivity for Business Studies Teachers in Secondary Schools in Rivers East Senatorial District, Nigeria Questionnaire (WLBMKDPBSTQ). The instrument was validated by experts in Business Education and measurement and evaluation Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (v) formula was used to test the reliability coefficient of 0.98. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation for the research question posed. The two null hypotheses were tested using the z-test statistical tool at 0.05 alpha level. The finding of the research revealed that work-life balance has a high influence on both male and female Business studies teachers for high productivity, it was also revealed that motivation had high influence on the work-life Balance of Business Studies teachers. Based on the findings  of the study  it was concluded that work-life balance has a great influence on the productivity of teachers in Secondary Schools in Rivers State. The researcher recommended amongst others that school administrators and policymakers should include work-life balance practice as a management practice in policy formulation.


Business Studies, Business Studies Teachers, Motivation, Productivity, Work-Life Balance

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