Azorondu Abigail Agbon, Azorondu Peter Ndukwe, John Osword Baysah (PhD)


Modern conflicts have manifested in different ways, with violent and non-violent conflicts prevalent in most societies in the last few decades. In spite of the efforts of United Nations and national governments at resolving conflicts, many of them have remained intractable. The study examined the approaches adopted by religious leaders in resolving conflicts. The study adopted a qualitative approach, in which documentary review of archival materials, periodicals, news sources, journals and relevant books were undertaken. Data were content analyzed. It was found that combating conflict involves promoting cooperation and unity among religious adherents. In addition, religious leaders adopted media sensitization for peaceful resolution of conflicts. The study concluded that conflicts affect the growth and development of a state and that religious leaders’ efforts toward conflict resolution helped maintain the unity of the citizens. It is recommended that religious leaders should engage in peace building initiatives to combat rising incidence of conflicts and insurgency. Furthermore, religious leaders should collaborate with the government to set up peace building projects in conflict prone areas.


Conflict, Conflict resolution, Modern conflicts, Peaceful resolution, Religious Leaders approach

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