The concept of conflict is an inseparable part of people’s life. Some view conflict as a negative situation which must be avoided and others may perceive it as a phenomenon which necessitated management. Others may see it as an exciting opportunity for personal growth and tried to use it to their best advantage. However, this study seeks to interrogate the argument that crisis management is essentially embedded in humanity. The paper assessed the mechanism in managing conflict in the Nigerian public sector with a view to determining the interface between industrial harmony and political stability as a potential determinant factor in crisis management within the context of the Nigeria’s public sector. The study further established that the public sector in every society is not immune against conflict or crisis, and this will naturally arise as long as there is interaction between and among human elements within the sector. The paper relied essentially on secondary source of data. The study concluded that, based on the humanity- linked nature of conflict, and to ensure that right environment is created to enhance good governance, its management in the public sector, particularly in Nigeria, will continue to be an unavoidable responsibility of the government.
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