The study examines product innovation, customer expectation and purchasing intention among handset users in Makurdi Metroplis. The study adopted an Ex Post Facto design to examine the variables. Data were collated from handset users in Makurdi metropolis. The sample consisted of 321 participants made up of 167 (52.0%) male and 154 (48.0%) female with ages ranging from 18-61 years (=35; SD=13.01). Participants were selected through simple random sampling technique. Three standardized psychological instruments namely: Product Innovation Inventory, Customers Expectation Scale and Purchase Intention Scale were used. Data collated were analysed using regression analysis. Results revealed that, Product Innovation positively and significantly predicted purchasing intention among handset users in Makurdi metropolis. Customer expectation positively and significantly predicted purchasing intention among handset users in Makurdi metropolis. Jointly, product innovation and customer expectation positively and significantly predicted purchasing intention among handset users in Makurdi metropolis. Study recommended amongst others that, periodically product innovation be carried out to meet the growing need of customers. Customers should be positive and firm with their expectations of the product to be met. There are dire needs for product innovation and customer expectation as they are key indicators for purchasing intention.
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