The study examines the effects of farmers and herdsmen conflicts on national development. The conflicts have caused a lot of losses to nation, state, communities and families; where people are killed and property are destroyed such as private, public and foreign companies. Again, farms and houses are burnt down; and people are rendered homeless. The indigenes are displaced from their ancestral homes; causing them to become refugees. Some farmers end-up increasing the pressure on the unexpanding infrastructure in urban areas where they become unemployed. The main causes of the conflicts are destruction of cash crops, cattle theft and contamination of streams and ponds by cattle. These cash crops boost to the national economic development. The work recommends that government and leaders of herdsmen should ensure of controlling grazing on cultivated farmlands, also modern grazing technique like ranching should be encouraged and Government and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) should render assistance to re- integrate the affected people to settle back in their communities.
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