Covert advertising has become a popular strategy adopted by marketers globally with Nigeria being no exception. In particular, these advertisers, over the years, have found entertainment content of the media, including reality TV shows, as viable platforms for covertly promoting their brands irrespective of the ethical concerns about this strategy of advertising. Against this backdrop, this study investigated UNIZIK undergraduates’ response to covert advertising on Big Brother Naija series. Situated within the framework of the Covert Advertising Recognition and Effect (CARE) Model, the research adopted the survey research method. The area of study was the Southeast Nigeria and the population was undergraduate students in the zone. A sample of 663 was decided upon based on the recommendation by Israel (2006). The sampling procedure was multi-staged, and the data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire. Data analysis was quantitative with simple percentages used as the statistical tool. Findings indicated that majority of the audience members were aware and exposed to covert advertising on the Big Brother Naija series, and that they engaged in intent, as against passive, reading of these messages. Results also showed that audience perception of covert advertising messages on the BBN show was largely positive, as they adjudged the ads as being informative and enhancing the entertaining as well as the aesthetic quality of the programme. Factors like familiarity with brands, interest in brands, past experience, existing beliefs about products/brands, and general skepticism about advertising claims influenced attention, believability and patronage of brands covertly advertised on the BBN programme. Similarly, repetitiveness of the ads and conduct of the housemates further influenced patronage of products/brands. The study concluded that covert advertising as done on the BBN show seems to positively influence audience disposition towards the products/brands. Among others, it was recommended that given the potential influence of covert advertising on audience, producers of programmes like the BBN should find ways to accommodate, within their covert strategies, some form of warning messages regarding potentially harmful products like alcoholic drinks copiously advertised on the show.
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