This research seeks to design and evaluate the satisfaction of Web Based Learning Resources (WBLRs) in teaching and learning of Physical and Health Education in Abia State College of Education (Technical), Arochukwu, South East Nigeria. The objective of this research is to develop learning resources using combination of technical and pedagogical features for teaching and learning of Physical and Health Education, provide on-line platforms for collaboration among students for learning of Physical and Health Education, produce flexible, collaborative, adaptable and multi-media web resources for undergraduate of Physical and Health Education and evaluate the satisfaction of students in using the WBLRs for learning of Physical and Health Education at Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) level.Rapid Application Development software methodology was adopted in the design of the Web learning system namely analysis, design, development, implementation, testing and evaluation. The on-line learning platforms provides features that will enable the studentaccess and download learning materials in Portable Document Format (PDF) and as well as video format into their laptop for learning activities. It also provides exercise modules that test the understanding of students on each topic at the end of learning session. In order to evaluate the satisfaction of students in using WBLRs, an instrument was developed to obtain the responses of students on the performance of the WBLRs. The mean and standard deviation of student’s response show that students were satisfied with the performance of WBLRs and it is effective in learning of PHE curriculum at NCE level.
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