Goodluck Okwudiri Allison (PhD), Oluwayemisi Eunice Oloyede (PhD), Modupe Atinuke Otuyalo


The quest for ICT usage or on-line connectivity for the benefit of library users is climaxed with unprecedented innovation changes in academic libraries even in Ogun State.  Survey research design and 112 librarians in Ogun State were used. 88 respondents were determined using Krejcie and Morgan table.   Multi-stage sampling technique used to select participants.   Questionnaire (self-constructed) was used as data analyzed with descriptive statistics. Findings revealed big-data, virtual/e-library-services, digital interface, IT inclined staff among the innovative ideas; while IT-based-services, access to electronic catalogues, virtual references, open access repositories, mobile library services, inter-library services, and social media packages were the innovation changes in academic libraries. Lack of financial resources, poor electricity/infrastructure, poor network/lack of R&D and innovation policies were among  challenges of the libraries. The study concluded that academic libraries are to cater for all innovation challenges in Ogun State. It was recommended to imbibe collaboration and adequate funding for innovation changes.


Academic libraries, Innovative ideas, Innovation Changes, Nigeria, Ogun State

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