This study examined the strategies for effective utilization of information resources by law students in federal universities in North Central Nigeria. It sought to find out the problems associated with utilization of information resources and ascertain the strategies that could be used to enhance effective utilization of information resources by the students. A descriptive survey design was used for the study with a population of 3314 law students. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire. Mean scores were used in analyzing the data. The findings revealed inaccessibility problem, insufficient internet point’s, electricity interruption, inadequate staff to attend to users, poor storage and retrieval systems. Strategies for effective utilization of information resources were increase access to computers, arranging available information resources for easy retrieval, training and retraining of staff. It was recommended that; adequate access to computers should be enhanced, organization of available resources for easy retrieval, training and retraining of staff, adequate library instruction should be provided, librarians should help in creating current awareness services and more funds should be allocated for library development. Also, law libraries should embark on SDI with a view to help students make optimal use of library resources.
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