Dr. Diala Edwin Lionel, Rev. Sr. Fiat Mary Uzoegbu, Dr. Uchenna C. Nwaigwe


This research work studied utilization of Institutional repositories for visibility of academic publications of Information and Library Science and English Language lecturers in Universities in South-East, Nigeria. The major purpose in to identify the major challenges and strategies to using institutional repositories (IRs) among Information and Library Science and English Language lecturers in Universities in South-East, Nigeria.  The specific objectives were to investigate the types of academic publications available, platforms used in self-archiving, level of satisfaction derived by lecturers with the contribution of Institutional repositories, challenges and strategies. It adopted descriptive survey design. The research population consists of 614 Information and Library Science and English Language lecturers from six universities. A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was designed based on the objectives of the study. Purposeful sampling technique was used to draw a sample size of 60 from the total population of 614 lecturers. Mean score were used to analyze the data. 614. Lecturers are less satisfied with the contribution of institutional repositories. All the suggested challenges such as inadequate power supply, poor network, lack of awareness and inadequate research grants were all accepted. Similarly, all the suggested strategies for improving them were accepted. Recommendations were made based on the findings such as more awareness creation on importance of institutional repositories; re-training of lecturers and provision of adequate ICT infrastructures that will improve the utilization of institutional repositories by lecturers which could enhance the global visibility of academic publications from the Nigerian Universities


Institutional Repositories, University libraries, Dspace Software, Lecturers, South East Nigeria

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