The study investigated the influence of information literacy skills on the use of library resources by postgraduate students at the University of Ilorin Library. The research adopted a survey research design. The study adopted total enumeration of one hundred and twenty-two (122) participants of postgraduate students in the University of Ilorin. Data were collected through a questionnaire with a validity and reliability of the instrument as 0.92 and 0.91 for both variables. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), 22.0 tool version. The data collected for the research question was analyzed using descriptive and inferential (Simple regression) statistics. Findings revealed that Information literacy skills (R2 = 0.653, β = 0.660, t (117) = 14.769, P < 0.05) had a positive and significant influence on use of library resources by postgraduate students in University of Ilorin. The study concluded that information literacy skills influenced the use of library resources by postgraduate students at the University of Ilorin. It was recommended that the University of Ilorin should reinforce the awareness of library resources with relevant information for frequent use of library resources.
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