Njideka-Nwawih Charlotte Ojukwu, James Tochukwu Mgbakogu, Gift Ihunanya Nwosu


The research work examined the use of Social Media Tools for e-learning during the Covid 19 lockdown: A case of Library Educators in Anambra State. The study has 3 research questions. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. A sample population of 30 library educators was drawn from tertiary institutions from Anambra State. Questionnaire was used to collect data. Data collected were analyzed using mean scores. The study found that the social media tools library educators utilize for e-learning during Covid-19 lockdown in Anambra State were Zoom and Google Meet. The problems in library educators’ use of social media tools for e-learning during Covid-19 lockdown in Anambra state were inadequate funding, insufficiency of ICT infrastructure, erratic power supply, high cost of social media tools, high cost of data to use social media tools, and poor support of administrators towards the adoption of social media tools for e-learning. The solutions to the problems of library educators’ use of social media tools for e-learning in Anambra State were good funding, sufficiency of ICT infrastructure, subsidized cost of social media tools, and adequate technical support. The research concluded that social media tools have been so helpful and have served as a reliable platform for e-learning and information sharing to library educators during Covid-19 lockdown. The study recommended that library educators need to be skilled in the use of various social media e-learning platforms such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Library thing, etc. 


Library educators, Social media tools, e-learning, Covid-19 lockdown

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