Administrative effectiveness is the systematic use of resources for the purpose of achieving the objectives of an organization. In Nigeria, the administrative effectiveness of the Judiciary appears to be poor as demonstrated by gross delay in response time to applicants and litigants, poor teamwork and communication. Records management practices has been considered useful in the organization. This study examined records management practices and administrative effectiveness of Lagos State Judiciary, Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design. The population of the study consisted of 328 administrative staff of Lagos State Judiciary, Nigeria. Total enumeration was used. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings showed that the administrative effectiveness in the Lagos State Judiciary was at a high level (overall mean score = 3.89), on a scale of 5. The study concluded that records management practices contribute to administrative effectiveness. It has recommended that judges should motivate staff to come early to work, encourage team work, sustain good records management practices to enhance administrative effectiveness.
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