This study was carried out to ascertain awareness and use of electronic information resources by undergraduate students of kaduna state university (KASU), Nigeria. The objectives of the study include to find out the extent of undergraduate students awareness of library electronic resources, determine the skills needed to use library electronic resources, determine the level of use of library electronic resources, find out the level of undergraduate students satisfaction with library electronic resources, find out the level of awareness on use of library e-resources by undergraduate students of kaduna state university (KASU), Nigeria. The study adopted a survey design. A structured questionnaire was used to gather data among undergraduates in kaduna state university (KASU), Nigeria. The population for this study comprised of 5,100 undergraduate students that registered with the university library. The sample size for the study is three hundred and seventy (370) based on Yamane formula. The findings indicated that all the respondents used Internet source more than others probably because it is easy to use and they lack skills for accessing other e-resources collection. This The findings revealed that 195 or 65.4% of the students got aware through word of mouth from colleagues/friends, while 103 or 34.6% got aware through Noticeboard. Table 4.6 showed that 168 or 56.0% of students of Kaduna State University, Kaduna use the e-resources for the information purposes, while 9 or 3.0% use it for assignment purposes. The study concluded that large percentages of Undergraduates are not aware of e-resources, those that are aware don’t have the required skills or expertise to use the resources. This has affected their level of usage.
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