Solomon Olusegun Oyetola, Rexwhite Tega Enakrire


This paper investigates how knowledge management initiatives (KMIs) and information and communication technologies (ICTs)could be used to fight coronavirus (COVID-19)in Nigeria. The rationale was due to the dilemmaof COVID-19, threatening lives of citizens across the world today, and Nigerian citizens amidst the batteredeconomy, where individuals had to struggle to find food for their livelihood. Thestudy applied thequantitative research approach. The quantitative research approach was majorly survey, where datawere collected from respondents through the use of questionnaire in sixty five hospitals in Nigeria.Result indicate that, different ICTs of computed topography scans, magnetic imaging, modern suture materials for surgeries, satellite monitoring, use of artificial intelligence, mobile tracking/mass surveillance, robotics, health sensors and apps, drones, and smartphones were used to support health sector in the fight of COVID-19. KMIs of brainstorming among medical practitioners, technical experience, willingness to share knowledge, routine reporting, codify tacit knowledge, organisational culture among others were strategically used in the fight of covid and other ailment. The study recommends reskilling among medical practitioners in order to cope with the use of some of the technological tools due to their unfriendly nature. Government should make provision for some of the ICT tools that were not available, such that, transformative services are ensured in the sampled hospitals.


KM initiatives, ICTs, knowledge and skills, covid, health sector, Nigeria

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