Joseph Olubunmi Olorunsaye, Professor Gabriel Olubunmi Alegbeleye (PhD), Jesujuwonlo David Olorunsaye


Technical proficiency of library personnel to use of library management system has been a subject of prominent discourse in librarianship. Despite the fact that the use of library management system in libraries has brought about a paradigm shift to the library operational mechanism and the development of knowledge and skill of the library personnel in the university libraries, the link between technical proficiency on one hand and the use of Library Management System (LMS) on the other lacked empirical evidence.  This paper therefore reviewed technical proficiency of library personnel as a complement to library management system in two decades. It also discusses the concepts of technical proficiency and use of library management system. The link between technical proficiency on one hand and the use of Library Management System (LMS) on the other lacking empirical evidence was established. The reviewed literatures depict the significant complement of library personnel and library management system for library effectiveness. Also, the set-off has further enhanced the professionalism of the library personnel. The paper therefore, exhorts the library personnel to constantly explore the dynamisms of the profession while keeping abreast with the emerging technologies, most especially the overture of artificial intelligence in the library.


Technical Proficiency, Library Personnel, Library Management System, Nigeria University library

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