Thomas Ali Gaga, Obuzor Kenneth Oragwu


The paper evaluates the laws which regulate and govern data protection in Nigeria and contrasts them with that of a selected African Nation (South Africa). It then makes recommendations for improvement of data protection practices in Nigeria as policy gaps are identified and analysed (referencing global best practices for guidance), thereby positively impacting the data protection regime of the Nation. The term Data Protection is used when referring to the process of safeguarding vital information from corruption or compromise, and from theft or loss. As the amount of data being created has continued to grow, the need for the protection of same has continued to increase. Consequently, a significant part of any data protection strategy has to be based on ensuring that data can be restored quickly after corruption or loss. Protecting data from compromise and ensuring data privacy are other key components of data protection; however, where there are no laws to enforce these in the event of breach, the essence of those rights is lost. In order to uphold the sanctity of these rights, many nations of the world have put in place regulations and other mechanisms to guarantee them. The Data protection regulation for Nigeria is here analysed and recommendations are given to strengthen the regulatory policy document.

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