Fiat Mary Uzoegbu, John A. Amah, Udemezue Joseph Ogugua


The research work was on the availability and utilization of online resources for e-learning in educational institutions during Covid-19 era in Imo state. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. The sample comprised of 50 lecturers (10 each) from the 5 tertiary institutions in Imo state that was selected using the simple random sampling technique. A checklist and structured questionnaire were used for collection of data. The instruments were subjected to face validation and pilot test using Cronbach Alpha which gave a reliability coefficient value of 0.96. Data collected from the study were analyzed using mean scores. The study found that e-journals, e-books, e-databases, and electronic exhibitions were the online resources available in educational institutions. The e-learning platform available in the educational institutions in Imo state are Facebook, Whatsapp, Google Meet, Zoom, Course Management Systems, and telegram. The extent of utilization of online resources such as e-journals, e-books, and e-databases in the educational institutions during Covid 19 era in Imo state was on a low extent. The challenges hindering the availability of online resources for e-learning in the educational institutions during Covid 19 era in Imo state are inadequate funding to procure e-learning tools, insufficiency of library resources for conversion to online resources, and high cost of procuring e-learning tools. The challenges faced by educational institutions in utilizing online resources for e-learning during Covid 19 era in Imo state are inadequate funding to train lecturers on the use of e-learning tools, erratic power supply, and high cost of data to use online resources for e-learning. The study concluded that since the Covid 19 era has exposed the deficiencies of educational institutions in their applying and utilizing these online resources for e-learning, it is expected that the educational institutions in the post Covid 19 era, should by now be prepared and ready to implement the full utilization of online resources for their e-learning activities. The recommendations were that adequate funding to procure e-learning tools should be provided by the government, and the cost of procuring e-learning tools should be subsidized by the government


Availability, Utilization, Online resource, e-learning, Covid 19, Educational institutions

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