Associate Professor S. A. Shaibu


This paper analytically examines how Development Communication can be used in broadcasting to further development. As the background of this analysis is the media Agenda-setting and social responsibility theories for the broadcasting media in Nigeria.

Nigeria’s vibrant broadcasting landscape parades over 41 FRCN FM stations, 5 Short Wave (SW) channels, over 36 Medium Wave (defunct) (MW) channels/ stations, over 36 states Radio & TV stations, over 36 National Television stations that include and/or inclusive of community Television stations, over 36 Independent Radio & TV stations and a host of New social media online broadcasting channels or stations.

All these channels or stations must be abreast of new techniques for Development Communication (DevCom) programming philosophies, and production styles in the issue-based area of addressing education, environment, health, transportation, poverty, sanitation, security, crime and criminal tendencies etc.

It should be noted that the Maxwell Mccombian and Donald Shaw’s Agent setting theory in 1972, regardless of its much discussed limitations, is to a large extent relevant to the Nigerian societies, that depend to a large extent on radio in particular, television and the new social media for its education, information, entertainment and cultural promotions. Yes, most broadcasters have been creating synergies for our rural and urban development before, but they were doing all these without the knowledge of the powers of Development communication.

The paper concludes by recommending broadcast programmers departure from politically  based broadcasting programmes to broadcasting that emphasizes issues of development communication that can fast-track holistic development from the grassroot to the areas of education, transformation, health, environment and so on.


Development communication, Broadcasting as A tool, broadcasting in Nigeria.

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