This work involved; the opinions of teachers about students taught by qualified teachers and those taught by non-experts, the opinions of teachers about students taught using instructional materials and those taught without, the effect of time allocation on the time table, the effect of Government funding of computer science studies. The population of the study consists of all the computer science teachers in Ekwusigo Local Government Area of Anambra State. The sample size was 70 teachers randomly selected from different schools in Ekwusigo Local Government Area of Anambra State. A simple survey method was designed to identify the problems. Four research questions and hypotheses guided the study. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire developed by the researcher and validated by three experts in Science Education, Madonna University Nigeria. The researcher also administered 120 questionnaire but 104 were returned and data were analyzed. The research questions were answered using purely simple percentages and hypotheses were tested using chi-square. The result revealed that there is significant difference between the opinions of teachers about the students taught by qualified teachers and those taught by non-experts, there is significant difference between the opinions of teachers about students taught using instructional materials and those taught without, enough periods are not allowed on the time table and adequate provision of fund from government are not always available for teaching of computer science. Conclusion and recommendations were made to improve the methods of teaching computer science. Suggestions for further research were also made.
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