Rhoda Wusa Goshie, Daniel Muttee, Caroline Mutwiri


The sufficiency of the service is dependent on the Librarians who are properly prepared and constantly learning .As a result, the quality of educational options and the capacity of personnel to take advantage of such chances on a regular basis are critical concerns. Librarians and more information employee need to continue to aspire for greatness in the discipline by constantly upgrading and improving their knowledge and competency as maintained by the IFLA code of ethics. Training of the librarians is a necessity which helps in assisting to carry out services that are acceptable. It is therefore paramount to study the assessment of the   Knowledge for librarians and how it affects   their job performance in the 21st century librarianship. A descriptive survey design was used for this study. The population of the study was 382 librarians from seven academic libraries in North- Central, Nigeria.  Structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the investigation and the sampling technique used was census also known as total enumeration. The results shows that majority of the librarians  have no adequate knowledge through training received and have not applied the knowledge for librarians effectively which leads to low performance on the job  because most of these libraries do not have ICT knowledge such as; content curation and digital asset management . Nevertheless, they are not competent in applying the knowledge in discharging their duties. The paper concludes that Librarians should not focus on theoretical part of the profession but should emphasize on the application of knowledge of Librarianship on their job performance. The paper recommended that there should be provision of adequate training and retraining of librarian, adequate IT infrastructure should be provided and there should be standing policies for attending the trainings for effective job performance among librarians.


Application, Assessment, ICT, Knowledge, Librarians and Training

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