Television remains one of the potent media for public mobilization in our world. It is, to borrow a leaf from the cut line of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), “Then, Now and Forever.” This perceived ageless elasticity in relevance gives off a Midas touch and a presumed septicity whenever any program runs on it, at the risk of nostalgia of the Hypodermic Needle or Bullet Theory. However, society may have been cured of believing that everything that is put on TV is fiat accompli for whatever persuasion it is customized to achieve. That proof was tested otherwise in this study: Steering Socio-Economic Development Through TV Programming On “Nigeria Today” (NTA 24): Lessons In Style And Presentation. The program “Nigeria today” promises to mobilize public members on socio-economic and political issues of burning currency in Nigeria.. Using Focus Group and interview instruments outcome of the study reveals that the social complexity of persuasion demands a lot more than the status of a medium making up for a message; obviously a cheat on the absolutism of assumption of “the Medium is the Message.” It shows that the landscape of anything-on-TV-sells mantra may have changed at the cost of some variables like: other competitors on the same horizon and technology. Both of these make TV programming a tall order for liaises faire programmers that will not spice up their contents. Thus the study recommends that program may profit better by making agenda of issues that are exhaustively discussed before engaging newer issues.
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