Ahmed Adamu Abu, Peter Wamae (PhD), Maina Kamau (PhD)


This paper is based on a study that examined information  needs of graduate students in selected Nigeria Universities. A survey method was used as the research design to facilitate the collection of data from graduate students. A random sampling technique was used to select respondents, comprising graduate students at all level. Empirical data for the study was collected using a questionnaire survey. Out of the 378 questionnaires distributed, 344 were completed and  returned representing 91% response rate. The study revealed that  graduate students information needs were mostly for academic purpose even though majority of them preferred the use of electronic resources in meeting their needs. Further finding also shows that  graduate students were not satisfy with the content of electronic resources and currency of print . Based on the findings , the study concluded  that  graduate students information sources preference was mainly electronic resources which could deny them access to local resources that are not  available online. This means that graduate students information needs are not  adequately fulfill . Hence, the study recommend that libraries should also provide adequate information resources in order to encourage hybrid usage by graduate students. Library management should also endeavour to use acquisition method such as PDA that advocate for the provision of information resources that meet immediate needs of users. Once the recommendations is implemented, information needs of graduates students will be fulfilled in the selected Nigeria Universities.


Information needs, Information sources, Satisfaction, Graduate student , Users

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