Tawakalitu A. Adegbite-Badmus, Vincent E. Unegbu, Chinyere N. Ikonne


The study investigated the influence of collection development on users’ satisfaction in Federal Polytechnic Libraries in South-West, Nigeria. The population comprised 45, 499 polytechnic students from 5 Federal Polytechnic Libraries in South-West, Nigeria. Stratified sampling technique was employed for selecting the users. A structured and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The findings revealed that Collection Development activities (β=0.354, t(56)=2.861, P=<0.05) has a positive and significant influence on users’ satisfaction in Federal Polytechnic Libraries. In conclusion, collection development contributes positively to users satisfaction especially in the aspect of types of materials acquired to the library and weeding of collections at regular interval can enhance users satisfaction of the library. The study recommends that Federal Polytechnics management should fund the libraries by creating enabling environment for the libraries to provide services that result in users’ satisfaction.


Collection, Collection development, User, User Satisfaction, Federal Polytechnic

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