This study investigated the extent of public university librarians' awareness of various services that online information resources are utilized for effective services delivery in public university libraries in South-East Nigeria. To guide the study, one research objective, and one research question were used while one hypothesis was formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significant. Descriptive survey was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 174 professional librarians. Total census was used for the study hence there was no sampling. The instrument of data collection was questionnaire. Validated copies of the questionnaire were tested for reliability using Cronbach Alpha, and the reliability coefficient obtained was 0.94 confirming its reliability. The 174 copies of questionnaire were administered to the respondents through the help of research assistants one from each state of the South-East. 157copies of the questionnaire were returned representing 90% return rate. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean frequency count and standard deviation. The mean was used for answering the research question while inferential statistics of t-test was used for testing the hypothesis. The result showed mean at 2.95 high extent responses by the respondents agreeing conclusively that the public university librarians are to a high extent aware of various services that online information resources (OIR) are utilized for effective services delivery in the public university libraries in South-East, Nigeria. Hence the study recommends that university librarians should aptly direct for the utilization of OIR for continuous and effective services delivery for high impacts of services delivery in public university libraries in South-East, Nigeria.
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