Ademola E. Olanusi, Ezinwanyi Madukoma


This study examined the evaluation of ICT skills of academic librarians in public universities in South- West Nigeria. The study was guided by two objectives and two research questions. A survey research design method was used for the study. The total population for the study was two hundred and twenty (220) academic librarians in both federal and state universities in the South-West of Nigeria. Therefore, total enumeration was used since the population was manageable. A questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Two hundred and three (203) copies of the questionnaire were returned and used for the analysis. Statistical tools such as frequency counts and percentages, the mean, and the standard deviation were used to analyse the data. The result of the analysis indicated that academic librarians in public universities have a high level of ICT skills. The result also revealed that lack of funds, high cost of training, erratic power supply, phobia for ICT, and lack of time due to library routine, among others, were the major factors militating against the acquisition of ICT skills by academic librarians in public universities in South-West Nigeria. Based on the findings, it was recommended that necessary and relevant information and communication technology infrastructure facilities should be provided, and the management of academic libraries must ensure that relevant and adequate training and re-training in the use of ICT should be organised for academic librarians in public universities in south-western Nigeria.


Academic, ICT, , Librarians, Public Universities, Skills

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