The ability of farmers to critically determine the extent of information need, access available information effectively and evaluate the information to accomplish a specific farming purpose is known as agricultural information literacy. Agricultural information literacy of farmers is of paramount importance for the growth and development of the agricultural sector. However, despite the richness of Nigeria in variety of subsistence crops such as maize, corn, beans and sorghum, there have substantially been declined in productivity in recent years leading to frequent famine. This study therefore sought to assess the relationship between farmer information literacy and agricultural productivity among rice farmers in Kura, Kano State, Nigeria -West Africa. The study adopted a descriptive research design and targeted 2,836 households within Kura local government with a sample size of 284 heads of farmers’ household. The sample size determination was based on Krejcie and Morgan Sample Size determination table for ±5% precision and 95% confidence levels. The study utilized a structured questionnaire for data collection. The questionnaire was pilot tested to ensure it measures the expected objectives. Data on farmers’ demographic profile were analysed descriptively using frequencies and percentages then translated on tables and graphs. While the study objective was analysed quantitatively based on the study design. The study findings revealed that information awareness had significant association with agricultural productivity at 0.05 (1-tailed) (r = 0.278, p<1560), while Information Access depicted a weak significant relationship with Agricultural Productivity at 0.01 (2-tailed) (r =.175, p>1560). The study concludes that rice farmers who lack information literacy are more likely to rely on traditional farming practices that may not be as productive or efficient as the literate. They may also struggle to access and use vital agricultural information, limiting their ability to improve their farming practices and increase their productivity. The study thus recommends that rice farmers in Kura, Kano State should be trained and educated on the various sources of agricultural information available to them.
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