Information needs and seeking behavior of undergraduates Students of University of Calabar, the descriptive survey research design methods was used, questionnaire was the instrument used to collect data and was analysed using the simple percent statistics. The Population of the study was 865 under graduate students who were randomly selected for the study. From the study it was gathered that the undergraduate students have a positive attitude towards information seeking behavior. Information on current issues and needs information on carear development and scholarship, students are not interested on information bothering on health, politics and football as well as social activities, this shows that the students read basically during examination period while update on their knowledge about new things, writings assignments, seminars and projects work are social purposes, other findings showed that problems faced by students while seeking information which are outdated reading materials followed by materials not available on the shelf and the non supportive behavior of library staff are not willing and unfriendly to students. Based on the findings of the study recommendations were made.
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