Catherine Obi Elemi (PhD)


School library helps to promote reading habits in senior secondary students in calabar, the study pointed out some different concepts that made the investigations, after which it reviewed related literature on certain variables. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the data collection, random sampling method was used to select 90 out of 900 students in SS2 the data were analysed using simple percentage and tables. The findings showed that most schools libraries under review lacked in the area of providing sufficient materials for the students, library staff fails to assist the students when they need help. It was also revealed that most school libraries fail to offer services and activities that could have been used to promote the reading habits of the students. Implications of the study were pointed out and recommendations among others were made. It is required that the teacher librarian employs the activities that will enable students in the library, also parents should be interested in the intellectual development of there children by laying the foundation of reading.


Calabar, Reading Habit, School Library, Senior Secondary Students and Promote reading habit

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