Social media epitomizes freedom of expression while maintaining its prominent position in democracies that are actively engaged in government by playing crucial roles as sources of information and by offering a variety of sources of information. The two-way information flow between the public and the government has been further enhanced by social media, making the process more adaptable, accessible, and responsive. Despite the fact that advancements in technology and the growth of information have radically altered how people live their lives, freedom of speech ironically is falling globally. This study looks at social media usage in relation to Nigeria's commitment to free speech. The method of secondary data collection was used for the paper. Findings demonstrate that exercising one's right to free expression is subject to restrictions. This is so because the right to freedom of expression is seen to be non-absolute. There are many limits, including laws against hate speech and data protection. Findings also demonstrate that the Nigerian government is uneasy because people are using social media to advocate for the protection of their basic human rights, for due process, and for constitutional law.Findings shows the implication of government interference with freedom of expression are economic implication and human rights violations and if the Government continues to gag social media it might only lead to more insurrections as the citizens will find alternative measures or resort to violent means to get freedom of expression. Therefore, it is advised that in order to permit freedom of expression and strengthen democracy, the government should take off its adversarial robe towards social media use by the populace. Government should channel its energy to educating the populace on the use of social media within the ambit of freedom of expression
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