The study was on the effect of shaping techniques in reducing lateness among secondary school students. The study was carried out in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State using quasi-experimental design. Two hundred and sixty-five (265) latecomers made up the population of the study, while ninety (90) latecomers made up the sample. An observation guide designed by the researcher was used for data collection. One research question were answered using frequency, and two null hypotheses were tested using ANCOVA. Result showed among others that shaping technique is effective in reducing both the number of days of lateness to school and the magnitude of lateness of the latecomers. Based on the findings, recommendations were made. These include: (1) School guidance counsellors in the State should organize Parents’ day for PTA members and apply shaping technique on them to enable those of them who are responsible for their wards being late to school to rethink and come to the aid of these children. (2) Physical punishment should be abolished in secondary schools set aside by the school authorities on lateness to give room for more meaningful and purposeful psychological therapies.
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