Egheosase Davies Ojeaga Ogbeide


This study investigated the effects of locus of control orientation, financial status, and marital quality on life satisfaction among retirees. Participants for the study consisted of 217 Local Government retirees from Anambra State, South-East of Nigeria. These comprised of 148 males (68%) and 69 females (32%) and their ages ranged from 56 to 70 years with a mean age of 62.75 years (SD = 4.88). The study design was cross-sectional. Three hypotheses were stated. Correlation analysis was employed. Results of analysis showed that external locus of control orientation; low levels or inadequate financial status; as well as low levels of marital quality were each negatively related to life satisfaction among retirees. These results confirmed the three study hypotheses. Conclusions, recommendations and study limitations were highlighted.


Locus of Control, Financial Status, Marital Quality, Life Satisfaction, Retirees

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