Priye Werigbelegha Andabai, Oyeinkorikiye Stephan Isaiah, Dickson Racheal Konyefa


This study examined the relationship between information technology and organizational performance of banking sector in Bayelsa State. Primary data were used for the study and soured from questionnaire and interviews. The population comprised some selected commercial banks in Yenagoa metropolis, Bayelsa state with a suitable sample size of 123 responds. Simple percentages, frequency, tables and Spearman Rank Order Co-efficient correlation were used for the analysis. The questionnaire was validated with the use of crombac alpha method; and, the result showed 84% reliability. The study revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between internet technology and banks’ performance. There is a positive significant relationship between decision support system and banks’ performance. Telephone technology had a positive significant relationship with banks’ performance in Bayelsa State. The study recommended that top management should ensure that they give the necessary support to encourage information technology in the banks; because, such facilities can determine whether the organization will experience entropy or not. Managers should consider the fraudulent activities involve when using information technology in the banks. Banks’ managers should apply the various means of securing information technology such as cryptography encryption and description. Cryptography is the process of changing a plain text into cipher text while the description is changing cipher text into plain text. Managers use encryption while customers use description. Banks’ managers should use register with the control switching system which enables customer access information anywhere and anytime.


Information technology, organizational, performance, banking sector

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