Jasmine Okponanabofa Tamunosiki-Amadi, Basuo Bio Kuroakegha


This study aims to contribute to the discussion that the concept of management theory jungle developed by Koontz (1961). Management theory juggle posited that there are different opinions about management theory which are still immature. The study employed a theoretical review in justifying the presence of management theory jungle in today’s system. The theoretical review of the issues discussion and agreed that all the six schools of thought as classified by Koontz (1961) has made the use of management theories to be confusing and conflicting. Thus, it is safe to conclude that management theory to adopt in management practice has remained a fiction. As managers are always presented with a plethora of theories on each problem; the one to adopt becomes a problem in itself, there is need to incorporate culture, environmental issues and political as well as the legal environment to the development of management theories.  This implies that theories should be situational and environmental friendly.


Management, theory, management theory jungle, organisational productivity

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