Andrew Ngozi Iweka, Godfrey I. Ederewhevbe


This study examines the influence of rice Quality on the choice of local rice in South East Nigeria. The research draws upon cross sectional survey and correlational evidence from household consumers of rice in which data required for the study were generated through the instrument of questionnaire. A sample of 400 respondents was elicited from a finite population of household rice consumers’ resident in the five (5) South East Nigeria using a stratified random sampling and purposive non probability sampling techniques. Of this number, 366 copies were usable. The data were cross tabulated and analysed with descriptive statistics and the hypothesis was tested with Pearson product moment Correlation (PPMC) and multiple Regression whose aim is to ensure objectivity, rigour and logical reasoning in fulfilling the research objectives. Findings indicate that perceived quality of local influences consumers’ choice of local rice. The study therefore recommends that government intervention strategy should focus on promoting local rice as stone free. Government investment effort should also incorporate mechanism to provide incentives to processors so as to upgrade their technologies, thus enhance rice quality.


Consumer Choice; Local Rice, Quality, Rice consumers, South East Nigeria

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