The recurrent reports of deviation of all forms within Nigeria and other part of the world have propelled research interests that tend to examine criminal behaviour among inmates in Nigeria. The paper seeks to affirm economic factors as fundamental underpin for criminal behavior. This study quantitatively measured the correlations between economic factors and criminal behaviours among inmates of Oke-kura prison, Nigeria. A sample size of one hundred and twenty (120) was randomly selected from the total population of over three hundred (300) inmates. Using statistical measures as an empirical interpretative tool, tests were conducted to determine if there were correlations between economic variables and criminal behaviour. The findings bring to fore a significant level of correlation between core economic variables and the opportunities inducing deviation. This paper recommends that proper incentives be provided for employees at all levels. It concludes that unemployment and socio-economic inequalities should be the focus of government policies and intervention so as to curb the unabated surge in criminality among the Nigerian populace.
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