This study determines the effect of using Edmodo learning platform on academic achievement of male and female students in business studies. Two research questions guided the study while two hypothesis were tested. Quasi – experimental research design was adopted. The sample of the study comprised 267 respondents made up of 114 male and 153 female students in Awka Education Zone. Simple random sampling technique was used to select two secondary schools from each of the three local government areas in Awka Educational Zone. The pre-test and post test were administered to both the control and experimental group. Edmodo learning plat form was used to teach the experimental group while control group was taught the same lesson using traditional method. Also the researchers developed questionnaire whose reliability index was found to be 0.82 using the Cronbach Alpha formula. Data collected from study were analyzed. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation while hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using ANCOVA. A number of findings were made from the study which includes: The achievement grades of students taught business studies using Edmodo learning plat form are greater than those taught using traditional method; there was significant effect of gender on the students’ mean achievement scores of students taught Business studies using Edmodo learning plat form . In line with the finding, it was recommended among other that Edmodo learning plat form should be formally adopted for instruction in secondary schools in order to improve students’ performance.
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