This study investigated the predictive association between students’ gender and their business entrepreneurial skills in south east tertiary institutions of Nigeria. The study adopted a correlation research design which also involved simple linear method using relational/predicting approach. Purposive, cluster, disproportionate and simple random sampling techniques were involved to draw out a sample size of 3000. Data were collected using a questionnaire and a rating scale. The instruments were validated and found reliable with an index of 0.81 for the rating scale using Cronbach alpha statistics. Simple Linear Regression and the associated test statistics like t-test of significance of simple linear correlation were involved for the analysis. Among others, the findings were that students’ gender is a significant predictor to their business management skills in business enterprises, and that students’ gender is a significant predictor to their technical, accounting and ICT compliance skills in business enterprises. The researchers recommended among others that before policies or decisions concerning students’ entrepreneurial skills in business enterprise are taken, their gender should be considered.
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