Mustard S. Uzu, Eyitayo Adewumi (PhD)


The paper examines the potency of indigenous conflict management in curbing incessant Biafra secessionist agitations in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic. It explores the mechanisms or approaches Nigerian government has used overtime in combatting Biafra agitation since its inception in 1967. The objective is to probe the effectiveness of indigenous approach of conflict management in curbing Biafra secessionist agitation and to project reasons military responses to Biafra secessionist agitation would not curb the separatist movement. The paper adopted phenomenology design and data collected were thematically presented and content analyzed. Just War Theory was used to underpin the paper. The paper found that the incessant Biafra secessionist agitations in Nigeria’s fourth Republic are influenced by unresolved National question, such as marginalization of the Igbos in Nigerian government and chiefly the use of military force in combating Biafra secessionist agitations by Nigerian government. The paper therefore, suggested indigenous conflict resolution as means of curbing the question of Biafra secessionist agitation in Nigeria. The paper concluded that military approach to Biafra secessionist agitation created more resentment and triggers the separatist movement. Negotiation with the secessionist leaders through their traditional rulers was discovered to be one of the possible means for curbing Biafra secessionist agitation.


Military Approach, Biafra Secessionist Agitation, Nigeria’s fourth Republic, and Endogenous Conflict Mechanism

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