Grace Ikechukwu, Ass. Prof. Aloy Nnamdi Obika


Inconsistencies in English at the level of orthography and phonology are numerous. This is because ordinary English spelling is very far from being an adequate system for transcription. This paper, therefore, investigates the effect of sound letter ambiguity of English vowel sounds on the learning process of Igbo second language learners. The paper hinges on the theory of error analysis as its theoretical framework. The study explores the sound letter ambiguity using post primary school students in Nnewi North Local Government Area of Anambra State. To accomplish this, a survey method was used to ascertain some of the challenges they face in the teaching and learning of English vowels. Data were gathered through dictation test and transcription exercise. The study observed that unintelligibility and defective pronunciation were among the problems which sound letter ambiguity imposes on second language learners. Some recommendations were proffered to improve the mastery of English vowel sounds to post primary school students.


Inconsistency, orthography, phonology, vowel sounds and unintelligibility

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